Drink Up

If your doctor told you that you needed to drink more dihydrogen monoxide your first question might be Why?, and then you might wonder What is it?, and finally Where will I get it and How much will it cost. In most cases you can relax. Dihydrogen monoxide is water.

The earth is about 71% water. All known life forms on this planet depend on water to stay alive. Humans are no different. We need water to survive.

Our world is an almost sealed ecosystem. What is here stays here and what is not here has a real hard time getting in. That means that our water supply is the same water supply that has been here from the beginning of the world.

You may wonder how that is possible. Plants, animals, and all humans consume water. Is there a never ending supply? In a way, yes there is. The water cycle keeps recycling the water to replenish our lakes, oceans, and ground water. Water evaporates into the air. When the air is saturated with water and conditions are right the water returns to the earth in the form of precipitation.

Water is the only substance that naturally occurs in solid, liquid, and gaseous form. On the surface of the Earth it is salty, frozen, and fresh. Fresh water comprises about 3% of the water and less than 1% of that is available for plants and animals to drink.

The human body is about 66% water. It makes sense that we need to replenish the water in our bodies because we lose some of our water through urination, bowel movements, perspiration, and other bodily functions.

Our skin is about 70% water. In order to have healthy skin water is necessary. Studies have shown that hydrated skin has a healthy glow. Hydrated skin tends to wrinkle less and water helps flush toxins from the body so there will be fewer blemishes on the skin.Washing with water rids the top layer of skin of the dead cells that accumulate. If your skin still feels dry you can use moisturizer but you should always start with water.

Water is about 75% of the brain. It stands to reason that if you want your brain at optimum operating level, you need to drink water. Your brain controls all body functions. If it is not functioning properly the brain does not always send out the necessary signals for the rest of the body to do what it needs to do when it needs to do it.

Even bones are 25% water. If we want stronger bones water again is the answer.

Human blood is 83% water. Our blood carries nutrients to the cells and carries waste products to the proper organs to be disposed of. The correct amount of water is needed to push the blood through the body too. Too little water causes toxins to pool in lower regions and that can only lead to bad results.

Lungs are 90% water. Besides keeping the membranes moist, the water in the lungs help filter the air we breathe. It contributes to the absorption of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide.

Nursing mothers know to keep a glass of water close while they are breastfeeding. While the baby is feeding the mother loses a huge amount of water and almost immediately feels thirsty.

Endocrine glands make and release the hormones needed to make our bodies operate. Water is needed in all parts of the process. The production of hormones requires water. Then those hormones are released into the blood stream in a liquid form to be taken to the parts of the body that will use them.

Water is necessary to make saliva and other digestive juices. It keeps nasal passages and nasal cavities moist.Water provides the fluid that keeps our joints moving smoothly. It keeps our eyes and other mucous membranes moist and clean.

You get the idea. Water is necessary. We need to put water into our bodies. But how much do we need?

The old saying is 8 glasses a day. Actually the amount depends on so many factors. What is your size, how active are you, what is the weather like, and how is your health? Those are a few factors.

Larger people need more water because there is a larger body to hydrate. Often large people retain fluid in their lower extremities. Other people do too. It used to be thought that by limiting water intake you would lessen the pooling of fluids. The opposite is usually true. Drinking a bit more water flushes the fluids from the cells that retain. Clean fluids take their place to accept more toxins that are then flushed some more. The fewer toxins there are, the more the cells can heal themselves so they will not retain as much fluid.

People who play sports know that they must stay hydrated in order for their bodies to operate at the high levels needed to compete. For instance, baseball players who know they will be playing in a city that is usually hotter than they are used to will begin hydrating several days prior to those games. Then they drink more water as they are playing.

Active people perspire more than someone relaxing. Water needs to replace fluids lost in the process.

When the weather is hot and you are perspiring more you need to to replace the moisture with water. Gulping down several glasses of water all at once will not benefit you so you should sip often. Drinking copious amounts of water can overload your system and cause problems too.

If you are not feeling well water is extra important. Remember that flushing toxins is a function that water performs. Water also cools your body so if you have a fever water is the drink for you.

Many people will tell you that you can get water without actually drinking water. It is true that sodas, coffee, and tea are made primarily of water. And they will provide some hydration. The problem is that they also contain caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic. If you drink those drinks water might not stay in your system to do its work completely. Enjoy your cup of tea but remember to drink water too.

Juices and fruits and some vegetables have high water content and other nutrients too. By all means they should be a part of your diet but they should not completely replace water. Water does not need to be broken down into water in you digestive system before it can work.

Water contains no calories. Actually there are no other nutrients unless they are added. This makes it a good dieting tool. Drinking water instead of soda for instance means no empty calories have been consumed. Studies have shown that drinking a glass of water before and during meals makes you feel more full. Fewer calories consumed means weight loss.

How do you know when to drink? I have read that if you feel thirsty you are already brginning to dehydrate. Try to drink a glass of water every morning when you get up and another when you go to bed. Then keep water close by and sip it throughout the day. Usually that does the trick.

Often when you know you should not be hungry but you want something to eat it means that you are actually thirsty. When you get those cravings try drinking a glass of water to see if they go away.

To tell if you are getting enough water there is one simple test. If your urine is more clear than yellow you are probably fine. Now it is true that some medications and some foods will color the urine so the test is not fool proof.

Personally I think you will feel better if you are more hydrated. You will have more energy. Your skin will look better. Your eyes will be clear and sparkling. So drink up. It is good for you.


  1. I will drink to that. Often when I go out I try to have a good glass to remain hydrated.

    1. While water is usually my drink of choice, I like iced tea, milk, and juice too. Water is especially important for someone like you who is out in nature. You need to keep up your strength and have your wits about you at all times.


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