Facts About Mulberries

Mulberries are plentiful in the part of Nebraska where I grew up. In the summer you could almost certainly find me in a tree eating as many of these juicy little fruits as I could reach. I also like them with whipped cream. It takes a while to pick enough for that but it is well worth the effort. Let's look forward to the fruits of summer.

There are three basic types of mulberry: the white mulberry is native to China, the red mulberry is native to the United States, and the black mulberry is native to western Asia. They can all be found in the United States and as the expert I feel I am, I can assure you that each kind tastes deliciously different.

The mulberry is an aggregate fruit meaning that each one is made up of a group of very small fruits. There are more than 150 different species of the plant.

White mulberry trees were introduced to the United States to encourage the growth of silkworms.

Mulberries are low in saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium.

Some people can get a rash from the leaves or stems of the plant.

Ripe mulberries are extremely juicy and can stain skin and clothing. Often birds will eat them and leave their droppings on laundry and vehicles making a large mess.

The size of mulberry plants can range from a bush to 80 feet high.

Mulberries are fairly low in calories.

They contain antioxidants which help combat cancer, aging, neurological disease, diabetes, strokes and bacterial infections.

Mulberries contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E.

Mulberries are thought to assist light filtering functions to the retina of the eyes.

Mulberries contain high amounts of iron which is rare in berries.

Also found in mulberries are potassium, manganese, and magnesium, as well as vitamin K and the B complex of vitamins.

In the kitchen mulberries are used in ice cream, jams and jellies, pies, beverage flavoring, meat sauces, cakes, and parfaits.

Mulberry trees require a lot of space and a lot of sun to grow well. Moist soil is best.

It can take up to ten years for a tree to produce fruit.

In German folklore, the devil uses the roots of the mulberry tree to polish his boots.

The high amount of fiber in the fruit helps one lose weight.

There are many medicinal uses including as a diuretic, a laxative, an expectorant, to expel tapeworm (using the bark of the tree), and easing problems with the mouth and throat.

This marvelous tiny fruit has a lot to offer besides the sweet juicy taste. I have been addicted to them my entire life. So I look forward to summer when the mulberries ripen. They provide fruit for a long time so I can enjoy them. As you have read they are good for you too. So I will have a nice glass of mulberry wine while you check below to see if you made the right guess in last week's What Am I.

I am the durian. I am considered to be one of the smelliest fruits with the most succulent flavor inside.


  1. Many a day was spent sitting in a tree eating these.

    1. The black mulberries are the best to just pick and eat but the larger white mulberries are the best with fresh whipped cream.

  2. i love this fruit too, and so glad to learn about this information.

    1. I could stand and eat them for a long time. My son has a beautiful black mulberry tree. He has never tried them! I keep telling him how good they are but I don't think he believes me.

  3. They sound wonderful, I guess they are not produced commercially though?

    1. I believe they are sold commercially in Asia. They are very difficult to keep fresh so usually only mulberry flavored items are available in the United States. If you can find mulberry flaoring in a bottle you can make a delicious milkshake.


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